About & Contact

Our first desgn & build was around 1980 – it did not go well, but the dreams of 10 year-olds often don’t. From 2015 things got more serious, after everyone had gained life experience (very good & very bad-which are the two types worth having). Discovering that the world was providing tools every 10 year old now dreams of …. (NvME drives, CAD, CNC machines, Micro-controllers, Wifi) :

  • Around 2019 we seriously set about design, and bought a lot of fiberglass, computers, CNC equipment & the best 3DPrinter available at that time.
  • We decided most things about boat-building, design and manufacture could be vastly improved.
  • We evaluated every available CAD Package
  • 6 years later, we’re halfway satisfied.
    • 3D printers have come a very long way
    • CFD became available, which greatly accelerates boat design
    • FEA doesn’t beat stressing something until it breaks (trust us, we do, & we video it), but it can tell you a lot about structure & strength
  • In 2023 we
    • reached out further afield to find materials not commonly available within our shores, to created an uncompromisingly lightweight & strong boat
    • got seriously into the world of microcontrollers
    • burnt through enough 3D filament to make an envornmentalist cry (iteration is better [and faster] at 15cm size, than 15m)
    • finished solving the headaches of VARTM resin infusion because
      • we had experienced the “fun” of finding leaks (and we have material of what happens when you don’t)
      • We like inventing
      • Bodging it painfully once might get a quick result, but every copy would be different, and 100+ copies (of everything) will eventually be needed
      • We have a thing for quality. The nearest thing for help & support while Offshore Sailing would be space travel – you can’t just get out and thumb-a-ride or walk home. Oops, it just slipped out (But unlike others this is fairly widely known – well done Colin !!). We are archive collectors in our spare time.
      • If you don’t have to watch it, it’s a great time to sleep
  • In 2024 we have “honed” (see more on the member’s community forums)
    • E-Commerce Website
    • Global logistics
    • Own composite-technology products
    • Partially accepted that we might put more materials into boxes & parcels than we will put onto completed boats.


You can join, and find us on the community forums which are now live.The 2nd best approach would be to email assist@AdvancedTrimarans.com  (again, we do the kind of hours which don’t fit most people’s ordinary daily schedule).

Or you can write to us at our registered address, which will probably take 14 days longer than email: 128 City Road, London. EC1V 2NX

Phone or text

Sorry, we are (usually) just far too busy for that

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